	#   It is recommended to test the script on a local machine for its purpose and effects. 
	#   Endpoint Central will not be responsible for any 
	#   damage/loss to the data/setup based on the behavior of the script.

	#   Description: Script to check value data of Multiple Regsitry Keys
	#   Remarks:	The script has to be deployed as Computer / User Configuration
	#   Configuration Type - Computer / User
	#	Arguments 
		"RegistryPath1" "ValueName1" "RegistryPath2" "ValueName2"
    #   Note: 
        If it is Computer Based Hive the configuration to be executed as Computer Based configuration
        If it is User Based Hive the configuration to be executed as User Based configuration

    #   Limitation: Mixed path's won't be effective

# Check if the number of arguments is even (pairs of registry path and value name)
if ($args.Length % 2 -ne 0) {
    Write-Output "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide pairs of registry path and value name."

# Process each pair of arguments
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $args.Length; $i += 2) {
    $registryPath = $args[$i]
    $valueName = $args[$i + 1]

    if (Test-Path $registryPath) {
        $value = Get-ItemProperty $registryPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $valueName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($value) {
            Write-Output "Value of '$valueName' in '$registryPath': '$value'"
        else {
            Write-Output "The registry value '$valueName' in '$registryPath' exists, but it does not have a value."
    else {
        Write-Output "The registry key '$registryPath' does not exist."